I was born on the same day as my grandmother. I never met her, she passed the same year I was born. But she told my mother that I would be born on her birthday, even though that would make me 2 weeks early. I treasure my birthday because of this. Like I said: Thank you Jamie. It’s beautiful.
This was the day I was born. Thank you Jamie. You are beautiful.
I was born on the same day as my grandmother. I never met her, she passed the same year I was born. But she told my mother that I would be born on her birthday, even though that would make me 2 weeks early. I treasure my birthday because of this. Like I said: Thank you Jamie. It’s beautiful.
I was also born on this day, a day after my grandmother’s birthday 🙂
I was born on this day. Thank you for this beautiful moment in time……❤️ Keep resting in peace.